This screenshot from a fitness app humorously illustrates the importance of context and human oversight when using AI translations 🤖.  The translation errors are obvious to any Dutch speaker:


“booty” was translated to “buit”, meaning ‘stolen goods’.

“back” became “terug”, which translates to ‘again’, or ‘return’.

“legs” was interpreted as ‘poten’, referring to an animal’s legs.


Any native speaker would have picked up these mistakes immediately and would have adapted the AI prompt. There probably was no human oversight here. It is easy to see how this can happen. The app is available in 22 languages, there must be hundreds of text elements. Budget is low and time is money 💸.

In this case we smile 😄 and continue the workout, but what if these were translations in a medical app or a legal contract, where precision is crucial 🚑📜?

Has anyone else encountered similar issues with AI translations? What was the outcome? ? 🤔


Remember, context and human expertise matter. 🧠✨