The IT backbone of your investment need not be flawless, but it must certainly be effective. A pragmatic and tailored technology due diligence identifies the actions required to help the business meet its objectives. For both buy side and sell side our methodology has demonstrated significant impact.

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answering your key questions

Can the platform support the business growth plan? Can we add new business modules? Is the technical debt under control? Does the staffing plan hold up? What is the state of the roadmap? Is this team ready for the next step? Are the processes ready for tomorrow? What about cybersecurity? And above all, you need to know which issues need fixing and the associated cost.

tailored to the situation

Some investments are larger, some smaller, sometimes you only need a quick validation, sometimes you need to go deep. Always it is urgent 🙂  That is why the scope and depth of the analysis will be tailored to the available time and budget.

balancing experience, efficiency, and practicality

Experience and Data

A combination of data-driven evidence and experience leads to a nuanced evaluation that leverages both analytical rigor and experienced insight.

Speed through Focus

With a tailored approach we can efficiently navigate the unique aspects of the target. We stay on track by avoiding unnecessary diversions or ‘rabbit holes’.

Strategic and Practical

Centered on delivering practical recommendations. Focus on providing insights that are useful within the investment horizon for both investors and target companies.

a proven methodology leads to a predictable outcome

1. Investment Thesis & Data Mining

Your investment thesis is the guiding beacon for the analysis. Automated data gathering quickly brings first insights. A targeted questionnaire is sent to fill the holes in the data room.

2. Interviews and First Findings

A carefully crafted checklist quides the scan of the target’s people, processes, and software. It is conducted through carefully structured interviews and automated code analysis. An intermediate readout presents first findings and aligns on next steps.

3. Interlocks and Deep-Dives

Synchronization with other due diligence streams (legal, commercial, etc).  Targeted deep dives into specific focus areas to create deeper understanding and validate hypothesis.

4. Consolidation and Readout

Connecting the dots and distilling findings into actionable, practical recommendations that serve the interest of both investors and the target companies.

concrete recommendations in a crystal-clear report

The following domains are typically covered:

  • Strategic Planning

  • Team and Skills

  • Artificial Intelligence

  • Architecture

  • Data Management

  • Operations

  • Software Development

  • Technology Finance

  • Testing and QA

  • Security and Compliance

  • Integration with external services

  • Innovation Capability

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