by Wouter Denayer | Apr 29, 2020 | events, talks
panel CIONET – 29/4/2020 Every crisis is an opportunity in disguise. The Corona crisis is an opportunity to end wars and to construct a better world for all of us. In business it is a unique opportunity to reorganise our priorities, our processes and our...
by Wouter Denayer | Apr 9, 2020 | artificial intelligence, events, talks
talk – 8/4/2020 Here are some links to material mentioned and showed during my April 9th 2020 talk on the Future of AI. For more cool stuff follow me on twitter or LinkedIn. Cyc is the largest expert system in the world, with 24 million assertions and rulesGary...
by Wouter Denayer | Jan 28, 2020 | artificial intelligence, events, talks
talk – 28/1/2020 Full house for our inspiration session on #AI and #ethics with @miekedk and @WouterDenayer preceded by Nathanael Ackerman introducing #ai4b #dgdt #fodbosa — Christine Copers (@ChristineCopers) January 28,...
by Wouter Denayer | Jan 22, 2020 | artificial intelligence, talks
on22/1/2020 I thought a module on AI & Ethics at the Gondola mini-MBA. Here is the...
by Wouter Denayer | Jan 18, 2020 | artificial intelligence, talks
talk – 28/1/2020 Artificial intelligence will have a profound impact on everyone’s professional and personal life. The emerging partnership between man and Sharing thoughts on why we should and then how we can build trusted #ai slides here. Bad AI or bad...
by Wouter Denayer | Dec 9, 2019 | talks