The recent improvement in accuracy, deployment speed and applicability of AI is staggering. What was hard just a few years ago is now easy and what was impossible is now within reach. 🚀

You know this. You see the potential. You have started on the journey.


You also experience that it’s not exactly easy to make this successful. There are many moving parts. How much and where to invest? Where are the risks? How to prioritise? And as always business and IT need to align. As always this is challenging.

To boost your success Jo Coutuer and I have joined forces 🤝. Jo brings his extensive experience in realising business value through technology. I bring a deep understanding of this technology, grounded in reality to ensure projects can actually be delivered.

Together we have developed and successfully rolled out a pragmatic 6-8 week interactive co-creation track where we work closely with leadership teams to create an hashtagactionable 24 to 36-month hashtagroadmap for hashtagAI.

These roadmaps outline specific steps, set use case hashtagpriorities, quantify hashtagbudgets, identify required skills, anticipate & mitigate hashtagrisks and commit to measurable hashtagmilestones, ensuring that AI initiatives are aligned with business objectives and get executed effectively and safely.

Are you ready to deliver the impossible? Contact us. We know how.