We are all AI philosophers now

We are all AI philosophers now

Since the release of ChatGPT humanity is collectively imagining what a future with AI systems might look like. We wonder what our own place in such a society would be. As is often the case, it required an almost hysterical fear to trigger this debate. Luckily for us...
And now for something different

And now for something different

Here is some exciting news! 🌟 I am beginning a new chapter as an independent IT Strategy Advisor. It’s been quite the journey getting here. The first big leap was leaving the ‘golden cage’ as CTO at IBM to co-found Briteflo. There I really experienced...
The End is Never Near

The End is Never Near

🎨 The exhibit ‘The End is Never Near’ in Ghent features the works of painter Jan Van Imschoot. The title suggests that the journey of artistic exploration and interpretation is never-ending. In a career spanning decades the artist has demonstrated...
How to control AI

How to control AI

Controlling the output of a large language AI model requires careful engineering, quite some effort and is only possible to a certain extend. 🛡️AI guardrails are safety mechanisms to ensure that AI applications are aligned with our ethical standards and...