by Wouter Denayer | Mar 20, 2024 | artificial intelligence, panel
Yesterday at FTI SuperNova Barak Obama advocated for ‘smart regulation’ and rule of law. It creates the mutual trust that companies need to do business. It is the foundation for the world economy. Some business leaders in silicon valley are very anti-government. To...
by Wouter Denayer | Feb 20, 2024 | artificial intelligence, events, panel
22/2/2024 🌟 Opening Event 180 Degrees Consulting Ghent – AI: Ethics and Legislation 🌟 Discover 180 Degrees Consulting Ghent, dive deep into “AI: Ethics and Legislation” with leading experts and network with members, panellists, and some of our...
by Wouter Denayer | Oct 19, 2023 | artificial intelligence, events, talks
19/10/2023 I did a keynote on AI past, present & future for the A&O partners and participated in the super interesting work session discussing the impact of gen AI on the legal...
by Wouter Denayer | Oct 4, 2023 | artificial intelligence, events, talks
4/10/2023 Keynote and discussion on accelerated value creation with AI for the Heran Partners annual meeting with portfolio company leadership and LPs. BTW. You should care about AI 🙂 But first care about your strategy, and only then figure out how AI can help...
by Wouter Denayer | Aug 23, 2023 | artificial intelligence, events, talks
23/8/2023 talk and discussion on the value of AI on private equity across the whole investment lifecycle, including sourcing, pre-LOI & DD, as well as portfolio management.
by Wouter Denayer | Oct 15, 2022 | artificial intelligence, events, talks
15/10/2022 BEYOND HYPE AND FEAR: HOW TO EMBRACE AI AS A PURELY PRACTICAL TOOL The use of AI by companies suffers from unrealistic expectations and mystifications. This sometimes causes disappointment and at times even fear of what is essentially a practical data...